Management and Maintenance
Financial Provision
All flat owners pay an annual maintenance charge, half on 1st April and the balance on 1st October. A contribution to Buildings Insurance is added to the April instalment. The maintenance charge covers not only repairs and maintenance to the buildings but also the lawn mowing contract, the managing agents fees and the gardener's wages.
The Maintenance Programme
Routine preventive maintenance includes, mainly on a rotational basis, internal painting of commonways (hallways), external painting of window frames, doors and facia boards (where these have not been replaced by UPVC) and garage lane door frames and facias. Also on rotation, selected sections of external walls of the buildings are re-pointed.
Major works such as re-roofing are undertaken by specialist contractors - Roofs will be replaced in sequence approximately evey 20 years, or according to professional advice. (The life expectancy of a roof, using modern materials and technology is guaranteed for 20 years). Numerous other smaller mainteance tasks are parformed during the year.
Non-routine maintenance work covers repairs or replacements as they become necessary. Tarmac renewal on estate-owned sections of our roads (garage lanes and parking bays) have to be paid for from maintenance funds as do very expensive items such as the replacement and upgrading of the communal satellite and vhf aerials and new hallway carpeting.
Smaller jobs such as repairs to boundary walls and new fence panels are dealt with as they occur. Any items replaced due to "fair wear and tear" are paid for from maintenance funds. Any structural repairs to buildings are covered by the buildings insurance.
Responsibility for Maintenance.
The Board of Millfield Overstrand Limited are the Lessors (Landlord) of the estate and all matters concerning maintenance and observation of statutory health and safety and fire regulations are their responsibility. Obviously professional advice is employed to assist in this role. This whole parcel of responsibilities, including the collection of Maintenance funds, banking, engagement and payment of contractors is contracted to a managing agent (Hobdens are the present managing agents).
How does this work in practice?
The Board of Directors approve the annual maintenance budget in March of each year. They meet regularly throughout the year to discuss maintenance affairs and all other matters concerned with the conduct of the Lease agreement held by every flat owner.
As far as maintenance work is concerned a designated Board member is delegated to keep regular contact with the managing agent's buildings supervisor. The buildings supervisor appoints the contractors to carry out particular jobs and is responsible for ensuring that the work is carried out to specification. The appointed Board member reports back to the Board on any problems in carrying out the various maintenance tasks which have been budgeted by the Board in March for the year beginning 1st April.

The ground area of the estate property (white background in the plan above) is approximately 7.5 acres in extent. It consists of 11 buildings comprising 117 properties. Each building has a limited number of warden patrolled car parking bays which are intended for temporary parking. Every building is surrounded by well kept lawns and all have a view of the sea. All boundaries of the estate are bordered by attractive beds of flowers or shrubs. The southern boundary wall has gates leading on to the Council greensward which in turn abuts straight on to the beach. There is no roadway between the estate boundary and the beach.
Details of each building (Court): DF=duplex flats, M=2-level maisonettes,
G/F=Ground Floor, F/F=First floor, T/F=Top Floor.
Flat Nos in red have 3 bedrooms, otherwise 2 bedrooms.
Court | Addresses | Floor Level & No. Bed Rooms |
Austen (M) | 40 - 47, Millfield Cl. | G/F 40-43, T/F 44-47 |
Beaufort (F) | 22 - 39, Millfield Cl. |
G/F 22,25,28,31,34,37
F/F 23,26,29,32,35,38 T/F 24,27,30,33,36,39 |
Churchill (F) | 1 - 12, Millfield Cl. |
G/F 1,4,7,10
F/F 2,5,8,11 T/F 3,6,9,12 |
Drake (DF) | 5 - 23 (Odd numbers, no No. 13) Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 9,17,23
T/F 5,7,11,15,19,21 |
Elgar (M) | 14 - 21, Millfield Cl. |
G/F 14,15,16,17
T/F 18,19,20,21 |
Forester (F) | 2 - 36 (even Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 2,8,14,20,26,32
F/F 4,10,16,22,28,34 T/F 6,12,18,24,30,36 |
Grenville (F) | 25 - 36 (odd Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 25,31
F/F 27,33 T/F 29,35 |
Hardy (M) | 38 - 52 (even Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 38,40,42,44
T/F 46,48,50,52 |
Jellicoe (F) | 54 - 88 (even Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 54,60,66,72,78,84
F/F 56,62,68,74,80,86 T/F 58,64,70,76,82,88 |
Kingsley (F) | 41 - 47 (odd Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 37,43
F/F 39,45 T/F 41,47 |
Lister (F) | 49 - 59 (odd Nos), Overstrand Ave. |
G/F 49,55
F/F 51,57 T/F 53,59 |